KFC Is Trying To Guess Your Order Based On Your Face
January 15, 2017 in Daily Bulletin
Amy Hawkins wrote about experimental restaurant technology in Beijing:
- KFC has setup a system where it predicts a customer’s order based on their face and mood.
- Some of the recommendations seem uncomfortably gendered. A young male customer is expected to be recommended a fried chicken hamburger with coke. An older female will be recommended porridge.
- If you don’t like your recommendation, the machine will show you other things you might want.
- Once you identify your meal, you merely let the machine know, pay for it, and the food preparers will have it for you in a few minutes.
- Ultimately it is hoped that the machine will remember your face and your preference – and learn so that the next time it sees you it does a better job of making recommendations.
Read more on The Guardian.
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