Driverless Cars Will Be Great For Sex
November 28, 2015 in Daily Bulletin
A surprising number of people have sex while they drive. Imagine what it’ll be like once they don’t even have to drive wrote Ben Guarino:
- The Mile High Club, of members who have had sex on an airplane, got started with a man who created the pre-cursor of the autopilot. This ultimately freed him up for other activities.
- Cars are at a similar stage of development with auto-pilot features being able to take control and drivers experimenting with sexual escapades.
- In fact car makers seem to be adapting cars so that there are fewer knobbly bits – like gear boxes – to poke people while they do their thing.
- The legality of the sex will be debated. If it’s done in view of a school bus full of primary schoolers then a judge will probably have something to say about it.
- But what if it happens on a highway where everybody can watch but nobody is in danger? The law isn’t clear on this.
Read other musings on the topic here.
Source: Inverse
“◦But what if it happens on a highway where everybody can watch but nobody is in danger?”
I think the concept of “danger” is misused here. It is debatable if children should watch sex, although watching real people having real sex is observing the nature rather than stimulating unhealthy excitations. Still, the worse thing they would get from watching is a spectrum of immoral behaviours older people usually believe they will.
On the highway where everyone is driving 80 – 100 mph, not everyone can have driverless cars and everyone wants to watch, I’d say the danger is way more real. 😉
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