Brazilian Prostitutes To Learn English Ahead Of World Cup
January 12, 2013 in Daily Bulletin
In 2014 the FIFA World Cup will draw thousands of tourists to Brazil. The prostitutes have begun preparing for the influx writes Shasta Darlington:
- To work out financial deals and communicate “sensual words and fetishes” it will be important for Brazilian prostitutes to understand English.
- To facilitate this, some English teachers are expected to offer their services for free, in the same way that healthcare workers also offer free services to individuals in the sex trade.
- Prostitution itself is legal in Brazil and the World Cup is expected to draw additional workers from surrounding areas to cope with the demand.
Read more about the phenomenon over here.
Source: CNN
I’m a Brazilian, I live in Brazil, I’ve had sex with prostitutes (loooong time ago) and I can assure you: 1) Prostitution is NOT legal in Brazil. 2) Prostitutes don’t have to know English to fulfill your fantasies.
I’m sure Patricia Beck appreciates having her image used as the headline for a blog post about prostitution. However, prostitutes may also appreciate the better PR this image provides.. It should come with a footnote * Your prostitution experience may vary from image.
Expected to draw additional workers to cope with the demand? I suppose people completely unfamiliar with the research in this area might expect that, as there are reports of expected increased demand for every major sporting event. Such studies as have been done have never actually found an increase in demand, though, and you’d think somebody would eventually notice.